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We met in high school, dated after graduation, fell in love freshman year of college and got married in January 2009. We fall more in love every day.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Super Cinnamon!

I love sugary, chocolately, cereal.  If it is remotely healthy I will probably think its gross and bland. This morning while I was pouring a bowl of multi-grain Cheerios, I get the almost genius idea to sprinkle cinnamon over the cereal to add some flavor. Cinnamon is one of my favorite spices. I then decided to do a quick search to see what, if any, are the benefits to cinnamon.

Wow was I surprised with the results! 

According to many sites, some of the benefits (just to name a few) include:
1. Lowers your bad cholesterol (LDL)
2. Helps with menstrual pain and infertility
3. May reduce the proliferation of certain cancer cells!
4. Natural food preservative
5. Anti-fungal and kills bacteria in unpasteurized juice
6. Reduces pain associated with arthritis

But the thing that caught my eye most is that apparently cinnamon helps regulate blood sugar! This is great for diabetes and those with hypoglycemia. But it also helps stabilize moods and energy level! Plus, reduce snacking!

There are many sites on the benefits of cinnamon. Here are a few:
1. http://www.care2.com/greenliving/10-surprising-health-benefits-of-cinnamon.html
2. http://www.organicauthority.com/health/11-health-benefits-of-cinnamon.html
3. http://www.healthdiaries.com/eatthis/10-health-benefits-of-cinnamon.html

So for month of January I am going to start my morning with cinnamon. It is fantastic sprinkled over cereal or in tea. There seems to be so many benefits! Check back in a few weeks to see if I feel like it has helped me have more energy and curb those pesky cravings for snacking! Cinnamon is so cheap and there seems like so many benefits, so why not!

 If I remember correctly, Walmart sells cinnamon supplements? I will have to look into the supplements and see if I want to try them or just add the cinnamon to my diet through tea and cereals.

Two quick warnings: I did read that in large large doses cassia cinnamon can be toxic and also never try to eat powder cinnamon alone--you will choke on it!

.....can't wait to start the cinnamon challenge!

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