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We met in high school, dated after graduation, fell in love freshman year of college and got married in January 2009. We fall more in love every day.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Diary of a Pilot's Wife

I have learned there are a lot of misconceptions about being a pilot's wife. I am starting this new section of this blog to share our new journey as we venture into being an "airline" family. I want to clear up one misconception from the start:

People always assume my husband gets really, really well.
Truth: Pilots pay almost the same cost as doctors do for their education and make below the poverty line when they start off. Most pilots will not make enough to support a family until they are 10 years into their career. They can only fly 1,000 hours a year and they only get paid for the time they are flying. They collect "per diem" which adds up a little, but the reality is your pilot is struggling. When I actually talk to people about the wages of a pilot- they are disgusted. It actually makes them a little bit weary that the next time they step on a flight there is a good chance their pilot qualifies for food stamps. Some pilots do not get paid during a 6+ week training. Years ago pilots made really good money..now-a-days not so much and it is really hard to get your feet in the door.

Which leads to the question---why would anybody want to become a pilot?? Its a pure passion. Kellen knew at 7 years old that he wanted to fly. He can't see himself doing anything else. Its woven into the fibers of his being. I think he would be completely lost without aviation. He has talked about leaving it to pursue a more family friendly career but honestly can't see himself doing anything else.

The other thing people constantly assume is that my husband can work anywhere and we can live here in Pittsburgh forever. It has become increasingly difficult to commute to work when working for an airline. Pittsburgh no longer is a hub for US Airways and the senor captains get preference out of here to get to their bases in Charlotte. Although it is not impossible, it is extremely difficult especially when trying to have a family life. For this reason, we will relocate. We don't know when or where. I am patiently, well to be honest more like impatiently, waiting for bids to come out.

There are so many unknowns in the beginning of this journey--where we'll be, when do we need to be there, what will his schedule be like, what kind of housing, will I need to work- if so, how will it work with Kellen's schedule. We are nearing the end of week 1 and I have no answers.

So thus begins a new journey in our life....welcome to the dairy of pilot's wife.