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We met in high school, dated after graduation, fell in love freshman year of college and got married in January 2009. We fall more in love every day.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Wiggle Worm

When she squirms, it tickles! I love it. Its a bond only her and I share most of the time. I can't help but touch my belly with hopes of kicks and punches from her sweet little hands. A reminder of the precious life God is growing. One day her movement will probably hurt me...but until then be a wiggle worm little girl! I have been feeling movement for a long time now, but last night Kellen really felt her move a lot. It was exciting. I love watching him love our little girl so much already. What a daddy's girl.

I thought we had finally decided on a name-- only to hear Kellen was uncertain and didn't think he liked it anymore. Ugh! I am done making suggestions because I really like it still. Its his turn to be creative.

Pregnancy as well as the stresses of life are getting to me. I am so discouraged and have the energy to do nothing. Today I have done nothing but go to clinical, nap, watch TV, and eat crescent rolls. It's only Monday, I don't know how I'll have the strength to fight through the rest of the week. I hope to use my spring break as a time to really focus on the Lord and refocus my heart on him. Both Kellen and I took time off and this would be a great thing for us to do.

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