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We met in high school, dated after graduation, fell in love freshman year of college and got married in January 2009. We fall more in love every day.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Sigh of Relief

Over the last few days I have had some cramping. Some mild, some severe. I wasn't too worried as I thought it was just from my uterus stretching, but on Thursday night I had some bleeding. It was quite scary. We called the doctor and she wanted me to be seen on Friday morning, unless I got worse.

So today I went in and the doctor examined me and couldn't find anything noticeably wrong that could cause the bleeding, but ordered an ultrasound for a cervical length and placenta position. She wanted this done today. I was nervous since I am down in the OB department and nobody even knew I was pregnant. Well, I told them and they saw me right away (benefits of being an ultrasound student)! Well, I got to see our little baby again. The heart beat was 160 and strong. My placenta isn't covering the cervix and my cervix length is great. This is all good news.

I continue to have some cramping, but no more bleeding. Perhaps it was just a fluke thing. I was told to rest up, try to stay off my feet and be catered to. So today I took a wonderful nap and did some shopping.

I can't believe how much I love this little baby already. I am just overjoyed and majorly relieved that everything looked good today. We still have our big ultrasound next Thursday.

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