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We met in high school, dated after graduation, fell in love freshman year of college and got married in January 2009. We fall more in love every day.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Texas Anyone?

I am extremely hopeful right now. Kellen has been seaarching for a flight job for over a year now. He has been limited to the area because of me finishing up school, but as graduation nears he has been searching all over the country. Back in February her was offered a position in Kentucky, but there were a lot of disadvantages to this position. And it was in the middle of no where, super small towns. He has until April or so to decide about this job. Recently he was called for an interview in Texas. Texas totally trumps Kentucky in my opinion. In fact, Texas is in the top 5 states I would want to relocate to if necessary.

1. North Carolina
2. South Carolina
3. Texas
4. Colorado
5. Oregon or Washington

Anyway, he is going to fly down for the interview. It would be a great flight position for him. He would get great experience and Texas has year long flight weather. So I am hopeful. I feel like things really haven't been going our way with a lot of things and I have been extremely discouraged with so many things, but I am hopeful with this. Of course, this would be a huge move for us (especially being super pregnant) and the average is 95. But it would be worth it. I am over excited and can't stop looking at apartments! I think it will help Kellen get his career started and lead to great things in the future for our family. Prayers would be much appreciated. I'll keep you all update.

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