I feel like Lainey is a baby giant. She is truly growing like a weed! Some of her 0-3 month stuff already seems short- its not snug on her otherwise so she isn't chubby. I guess that is what being in the 97% for height will do for you. But jeeze she is not 3 months yet, and I know those size are just a "guideline". It makes me sad though she has so many clothes and I feel like she has barely worn them. I want her to stay small and cuddly. I am grateful she is healthy. Oh well, I guess if her towering height is all I have to complain about we are doing pretty good.
Parenting continues to be an adventure. This week took Lainey out of our room and put her in her crib to sleep at night. She is doing wonderful Infact, all week she has been sleeping through the night. I wake her up around 11:30 or midnight to nurse and then put her back down for the night. Kellen gets up at 7 for work. I get up and nurse her about 7:30. That is awesome! I usually don't get to bed to 12:30 or 1..but still this is way better than 3 hours at a time. She pretty much established this all on her own. I was worried about her being in her crib. My fear is I wouldn't be able to hear her cry even with the monitor. But its going great!
On Wednesday, I left her alone with grandma Joyce while I went to some big consignment sale at the RMU sports dome. I worried about her the whole time. To keep myself from calling and texting grandma every 5 minutes, I texted Kellen instead (ha I am sure he loved that, but he is pretty much used to it.) Lainey was fine though. She takes a bottle great. We give her one every other day to get her used to it. When she was a newborn I couldn't wait to give her a bottle. They say to wait 3 weeks for giving a bottle because breastfeeding is established but they are still willing to take a bottle. I thought I would love giving her a bottle because it would give me some more freedom. But I've come to (mostly) enjoying nursing her. Its a bonding experience and its cool to know my body is designed to nurture and feed her.
I love her so much. She is amazing. She is getting to be so fun. Smiling and a cooing. Today I was going through her closest putting things away and I held up an outfit and go "do you like this one sweetie." and she just smiled as if to say "yea" Ha so cute. She gets prettier and prettier each day. Her eyes seem to get more and more blue too. I wonder if they'll stay. (my eyes are mostly green but change blue depending on the day and Kellen's are light blue) I am not sure who she looks like. Her face is so round and both Kellen and I have long faces. 

It is getting increasing difficult to have Kellen gone. I really miss him a lot. I can't wait for the weekend because I know he will be around. I honestly do not know how single moms do it. I can't imagine working full time to support a baby and also having to do everything around the house and with the baby. Talk about a super mom! I have a hard time just keeping the house in order and making dinner that isn't burnt (as seen by my last post). I'm so blessed to have the opportunity to stay home with Lainey, but I don't want Kellen to miss everything with her too.
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