I addicted to Lincoln Brewster's song The Power of Your Name. Which has really made me reflect on mission work. I miss it. I miss all the wonderful things I experienced serving in various locations. I miss those adorable, smiling, dirty Guatemalan faces. I can't wait until our girl is old enough and we can go somewhere and serve together! I will never forget serving side by side with my dad and sister.
I have a week and 2 days of school left!! Which hopefully will give me some free time to pack our place up and study for my boards. But I am also hoping that after we find a place to live and our schedules become a little more stable that I can volunteer at the Pregnancy Care Center doing ultrasounds! This would be an awesome way to serve and keep up on my experience! I will be contacting them very soon.
And I will live to carry your compassion to love a world thats broken, to be your hands and feet. And I will give with the life that I've been given and go beyond religion to see the world be changed by the power of Your name...
And I will live to carry your compassion to love a world thats broken, to be your hands and feet. And I will give with the life that I've been given and go beyond religion to see the world be changed by the power of Your name...
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