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We met in high school, dated after graduation, fell in love freshman year of college and got married in January 2009. We fall more in love every day.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

24 Week Update

Feelings about being pregnant: I'm over it. Completely over it. I feel guilty I don't enjoy this amazing journey, but its not pleasurable. My friend told me the more I hate being pregnant the less I will be terrified of labor. Perhaps there is truth in that. If baby girl could come now and be completely healthy and ready I would welcome her with open arms. Of course I will endure 16+ more weeks for her well being and would never wish her to come early for my benefit. Kicks are becoming painful and frequently on my bladder. Heartburn is becoming severe. And morning sickness is as real as ever. Oh yea, and yesterday I went to bed around 11 and was up 4 times to pee before Kellen got up for work at 2:45. UGHHH people tell me to rest up before the baby, well that isn't happening!

Meat and banana popsicles! I could have a continuous banana popsicle and be happy. My appetite is increased though for sure!

Changes: I'm ten pounds heavier and counting. Not thrilled about gaining weight and starting to not be able to see my toes! My belly really popped out lately! My pants still fit, but could use some cute maternity tops! My skin has become super sensitive, but mostly just under my arms. I cannot use the deodorant I have used for years because it makes me so itchy! I have been using Kellen's axe but should see about getting some dove sensitive skin stuff. How bizarre!

Preparations: We have very little ready. We haven't registered yet. We know we are doing an OWL theme for the nursery, but considering we don't know where we are living we don't have anything together. I am even starting to doubt the name we have for her!

Coming up: Kellen and I are registering soon. My biggest upcoming concern for the pregnancy is my glucose test for gestation diabetes. This can be very serious, and I pray I do not have this! We do our testing in a little over 2 weeks.

Biggest Adjustments so far: Dealing with my changing body and not knowing what to expect and people touching me, and not being able to get comfortable enough to sleep.

I'll post pictures soon!

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