Someday I would love to flip a house. Overly ambitious maybe, but I think I could do it (with the help of my wonderful handyman husband). Of course my parents would probably get roped into everything and it would end up being so much work, but in the end it would look great! If this every happens it won't be for a long time since we are short on cash and time at the moment. But I am loving simple DIY projects around the house that make a BIG difference.
When my sisters and I were little girls we had a simple wooden toy box. We basically ruined it by covering every inch of it in stickers. Basically useless, my dad made an ice fishing concocktion, drilling holes in the side and using it to drag his poles, baits and other supplies in it. This piece of furniture was pretty much useless. But I decided to "save it". Probably about 2 years ago, I got this thing with holes and stickers and decided I was going to refinish it. Well, that was a big task. I couldn't get all the stickers off and the ones I did get off left marks in the wood. I tried to sand it but I didn't get an even texture. I was disappointed and decided to paint it black and only stain the lid. This matches the table and chairs I stained before Kellen and I got married. Well, I painted it back when we lived in the city but never got around to staining it. It has sat unfinished for over a year. We store our sheets and blankets in it and it just sits in the hallway and collects junk on top. Somewhere I got this idea to add padding and cover the lid making it a usable bench. So tonight we were out at Robinson getting dog food from Sam's club and I asked Kellen if we could go to Joann Fabrics-- probably my favorite store! They were having a huge sale so I guess on the supplies we needed and came home and got right to work!
I got a yard of padding for $4.99 and the fabric was just over $6.99. My grand total after tax was $13.66. It took me about 30 minutes. To measure and cut and staple everything. I ran out of staples so I will finish tomorrow...but it is mostly done! Check out the before and afters! I wish I had the pictures of it completely covered in stickers but I don't! Trust me, there was barely any wood left showing.
We are moving again soon and I can't wait to set this up in our new place:

What do you think? Was it worth the $13.66?
Lauren this looks fabulous!! WELL worth the $14!