Today marks Kellen's first week at home since he quit Fedex. This means dinners as a family. He is quite excited to have more time with Lainey and I. This is the first time since we've been married that we will be able to consistently eat dinner together as a family. This also means I have to cook daily. I am looking forward to this because I feel like I finally get to do some "wifely" duties. I always wanted to be a stay at home mom who can cook and clean for her hard working husband. Call me old school- but I love it! Being a stay at home mom is by no mean an easy job. It is tiring. Cooking, cleaning, running errands, laundry, etc. Its all over whelming. Its a good day if I get to eat a meal by noon. Lainey comes first. She has be fed, bathed, clothed, and occupied before I can even think about eating or showering myself. Of course by being a stay at home mom I don't have the pressure of being fired (ha ha) but I also never get a raise and "pay day" does not happen every Friday. Heck- I'd be lucky if I got a bonus on our anniversay and mother's day. I think the biggest struggle I have is that it is often a thankless job too. I feel like so much I do goes unappreciated. I don't get a "thank you for doing the dishes." or "you did a great job folding the laundry today". For those moms who work full time and keep the house in order- you're amazing! Right now its so hard to balance it all and I thought I was a good multi-tasker. Now don't get me wrong I am by no means complaining- I LOVE that I am blessed to stay at home with Lainey and I love serving my husband and keeping the house in order for him. I just sometimes wish people appreciated the "homemaker" profession a little more. It is by no means an easy task.
Hi Lauren,
ReplyDeleteI rarely go on Facebook, but I was checking out newer Lainey photos, and noticed your blog. I had to comment on this one, since every word went right to my heart. When I finally was blessed with baby Andy'a arrival, I quit the best job I thought I ever had, to take on what really is the best job of all! I was so glad we sacrificed to let me be home with him for those years. I think, come what may, it will make all the difference for him. It was also the best job I ever had, with no monetary pay or vacation or sick time--I would not trade that time for anything in the world. I'm back at a paid job now, but the foundation we laid will help us sustain any trials the teen years pose. So stand tall and look beyond the diapers! You sound like a great mom--blessed, blessed Lainey!! Love the videos, too--what a great baby!
Sending our love,
Marguerite (also Cottrell!) Rauch