I was thinking the other day how raising a puppy is probably the closest thing to you can do to practice for your first child. Here is my thought:
1. In anticipation for the puppy, we went shopping for a collar, a vet, a "crib", had to get puppy chow, toys, etc. Basically before we even had the puppy we had a nice chunk of cash invested in things we didn't even know if we would use.
2. I remember getting Dieter at 8 weeks old. He was 1.8 lbs. I was expecting him to be playful and fun, but he slept all of the time, showed little or no interest in toys and had to be carried many places I went.
3. He didn't sleep through the night for a long time. He woke me up every 3 hours to go to the bathroom. I remember getting excited when I actually got to sleep for more than 3 hours at a time!
4. I almost had to take a "puppy leave". I was doing my internship in Florida at the time and had to run home every couple hours to let him outside to use the bathroom. I was constantly rearranging my schedule to take him to the vets for his monthly visits.
5. He came every where with me- I went to dinner, he went. Instead of a stroller, he fit in my purse.
6. It was an exciting moment when he learned to "sit" for the first time, recognized his name and recognized us.
7. Now he follows me everywhere I go. I trip over him. and if he isn't right by my side I know he is getting in trouble. Which brings me to the point that just as you have to puppy proof you're home just like you baby proof it.
Ha now obviously babies are not puppies. I can't crate my baby, although the pack n play is pretty close to it and there are leashes for children! The reward with a child is so much greater as is the work and responsibility. We are excited to move on from raising a puppy to a little girl. But perhaps all those teenagers on Muarry should try raising a puppy first ;-)
On a more serious note, baby girl and I are doing well. We are 35 weeks now. Its so crazy how fast time flies. On the 12th we are one month away. I keep thinking she will be early. I am scared and so excited too. The heat is the biggest struggle. I have been feeling much better since my doctor switched my medicine- wonder if all the heartburn will be a sign of hair! I am still working 35+ hours a week. It has lead to mild swelling and what I call "sausage" toes. I go on Monday to see if I am dilated or effaced at all. I have been having a lot of braxton hicks and I am almost positive she "dropped" because I look different, feel more pressure in my bladder, and am more comfortable as far as my ribs and breathing can go. I'll update Monday after my appointment!