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We met in high school, dated after graduation, fell in love freshman year of college and got married in January 2009. We fall more in love every day.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Climbing the Mountains...

We are about 10 weeks to go (hopefully) until we meet our beautiful little girl and I officially have a mountain coming off my belly. Its not a bump, or a hump but an Applachian mountain. I think as we continue this journey, will be be visitng the Rockies, Alps and Himalays.

I am so excited to see her face and hold her in my arms, but I am also really enjoying this awesome bonding time. Every kick and squirm brings me joy- I now understand why I'll miss this. I told Kellen he should be incredibly jealous that I get to feel her all the time. I really enjoy watching my belly move all around. I've been feeling something hard on my right side about 4 inches up from my belly button. I wish I could see what it is. I miss having ultrasounds, seeing her heartbeat and her personality displayed in the womb. I have also started to notice kicks on my bladder, those are painful.

Speaking of mountains, I feel like our life is at an uphill climb. I stand at the bottom, overwhelmed by what stands in my way. I'm beginning to think life isn't always greener on the other side. Kellen's job isn't nearly as reliable as we had hoped. Its disappointing. Right now we are making do and I am working more hours because I have the time to, but time is running out and soon I won't be working at all and to be completely honest we cannot make ends meet on just his Fedex salary. We were definatly hoping for more. If he got another job his chances of flying would be cut down drastically. I don't know how long we keep trying this out. Its been four weeks and no real pay. And to make things worse, we moved just so he could be closer to a job that he isn't getting hours at. The upside is he has been around more to help get things done at the old apartment and we get to enjoy lunch together and he visits me at work. I do just love spending time with him but we can't afford this much longer and I hate to tap into our savings. Needless to say, I am beyond stressed and I think Kellen is too but he is a little more calmer than I am. We continue to relay on God.

I am also discouraged because I wish I didn't have to work at starbucks. I want to scan. I miss it. Despite it being illegal, nobody will hire me because I am so obviously pregnant and it just annoying. There is always a way around it.

As we get settled in to our new place, keep a few things in your prayers. 1. We really want to get involved in a good, strong, Biblical sound church. We don't know too much about the area and church hunting can be extremely discouraging. 2. Give us the energy and strength to work and get unpacked and organized before baby comes so life might be less chaotic once she is here. 3. Jobs and money. Its easy to say don't worry, but bills are real. 4. Peace. I am so restless anymore. I long for stability and schedules. Hopefully we can face the mountain bit by bit, step by step instead of seeing it for the giant climb it is.

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