We finally made it OFFICIAL! Our family is growing!! Baby # 2 is due New Years Day, however we anticipate a December birth day!
Big sister L is so excited! She is convinced baby is a boy---and always wants to kiss and hug her baby brother. She is enjoying watching mommy's belly grow and I can't wait for her to feel kicks!
At almost 17 weeks I am feeling exhausted still! I am pretty much past the nausea but now have headaches. I have been feeling squirms for a while but they are getting stronger and stronger. Those are such a magical feeling!
We (mostly me, K is just on board with whatever I want) have decided to NOT find out baby's gender.
We also booked a birth photographer---YES you read that right I will have a professional photographer in room in one of my most vulnerable moments. My reasons for that will be saved for another post.
Chex Mix
Crazy Bread
Grapefruit Juice