I never thought I would be updating this so quickly. On Wednesday night around 9:30 pm, I started very strong, rapid contractions. I had barely been having braxton hicks all day. By 9:45, I texted Kellen at work saying "I think I'm in labor" he asked if he should leave work and I didn't think he needed he to. I preceded to shower and call the doctor who told me to come in. Kellen got out of work late and didn't get home until close to 11. I was unable to get a good reading on how far apartment my contractions were, but they seemed close and intense. I was throwing up and was trying to brace myself for a long evening ahead. I was scared and had no clue what to expect.
We packed up the car, took the dogs with us and headed out the door. On the way to the hospital, the contractions seemed to grow. I threw up once, and my water broke in the process. It wasn't a huge rush since I was sitting, but I knew it had broke. We arrived at the hospital at 12:15. There was a woman in front of us whose water had just broken but she hadn't started contractions and she kept asking me if I was ok. She said jeez I hope that doesn't happen to me. It was painful. We went to triage and it felt like they were taking forever to check me. They ask you the stupidest questions. Do you really think I was thinking about the baby photographer while I was having contractions? After what seemed like hours, they finally checked me and said I was dilated to 8. I think this shocked everyone because the next thing I knew I was being rushed by 3 nurses to labor and delievery. I was there for no more than 20 minutes- got an epidural and baby girl's heart rate started to decrease. The nurse said she thought that was because I was complete and baby was ready. She gets on her pickle phone to call my doctor and see where she was. My doctor was just walking in. She comes in and checks me and I am ready to push. The whole environment was so peaceful after my epidural. I pushed for 30-40 minutes and Lainey Mae was born at 2:30 am. Kellen didn't get to cut the cord because it was wrapped around her neck, which was a bit of a scare for me. She scored 9's on both apgars! Thats my girl! She weighed 7 lbs 2 ounces and they measured her at 19 1/4 inch long (although she was remeasured at 20 3/4 inches). I was in labor for about 5 hours- I never imagined it would be so quick.
It was nothing as I imagined. I feared giving birth. All the horror stories people shared with me. I thought it would be exhausting and simply horrible. I thought I would have a very painful, long drawn out labor. I feared I would have a c-section. My birthing experience was simply beautiful. Looking back all I can remember is good things- yes the contractions were strong and very painful but overall it was wonderful. Kellen was a wonderful support, my doctor was amazing and I am just completely amazed with how good everything turned out. God is so gracious. He has blessed us tremendiously with this whole pregnancy, the complications with my appendix and her birth. I will forever remember this as a very positive experience.
And Lainey is amazing. I look at her and cannot believe God has blessed us with such a beautiful, healthy baby. I could just stare at her little face forever. I love Kellen more and more every time I see them interact. I am still amazed she was inside me, I don't know how she fit! (although she is tiny- thinking of all that in my belly is crazy) My love for the Lord has grown deeper and deeper and I feel like becoming a parent opens your eyes and soul to a whole new understanding of the love the Father has for us.
We've been home for a week now. Kellen has been off work and we have enjoyed the time as a family. It is easier than I thought and more difficult at the same time. Nursing is the biggest challenge I have, but its getting easier. Lainey and I are learning together. I am exhausted some of the time and feel great other times. I am scared for Kellen to go back to work because he has been a great help. My mom, sisters and mother in law have been a tremendous support system. We have not had to cook a single meal all week. Once again, I am just taken back by how blessed we been through this all. God is so good.